Short term memory loss

I have said little about the impact of the toxic mold exposure on my life. By necessity the focus of my life this last 19 months has been my children. I have been increasingly aware, however, that something is amiss with me. The pulmonary and neurological testing in December confirmed my suspicions. Further blood testing has also revealed abnormalities. By sharing a bit of my story I hope others will find help and hope.
These are the symptoms I have experienced: Chronic fatigue, ringing of the ears (tinnitus),disrupted sleep patterns, rashes, black tongue, emotional outbursts (to the point where my 10 year-old sobbed, "I want my old mommy back!"), joint pain, and general malaise.
I have read numerous times about something called brain fog. We have been on aggressive treatment for exactly a month and today I felt a level of clarity I have not felt for a very long time. Honestly, the inside of my head felt lighter. My pulmonary tests showed decreased lung capacity. I exercise so rarely I hadn't noticed the shortness of breath that comes with this. I did notice the decreased appetite that led to my weight loss in the last year. Mycotoxins play with leptin levels and several of us have high or low leptin levels.
By far my most debilitating symptom has been short-term memory loss and the resulting inability to multi-task. This is a very common symptom and easily dismissed as stress or age related. Let me immediately put the age issue to rest. My 19 year-old daughter has the same symptom and it showed up in her testing. I began to notice last year when I mixed up a number of appointments and missed some key events for my children. Uncharacteristic but understandable in light of the stress we were under. I could never find my cell phone or my glasses. I was having a much harder time in the kitchen. I would start something, leave it, and forget it. I had a hard time with my son's insulin doses. One time I gave him our dog's insulin by mistake. (It turned out fine. Just a humbling phone call to make to the doctor.) My kids couldn't depend on me to remember things they needed. I found myself saying, "Write it on the board or I won't remember." I started to forget where my car was parked. I couldn't find my keys. I couldn't remember what I needed at the store. This all was exacerbated when we re-located to Tucson. Parking lots are far more daunting without the familiar spots. Directions are very very difficult. I have to write them out in large print to read while I'm driving. I don't remember things I have told people. Numerous friends and family members have said to me, "You told me that already." It is indeed a disability and undoubtedly a result of mycotoxins at work in the brain. I have had two doctors assure me this is reversible and so I remain hopeful. Until then I am finding ways to adjust.
The other day my daughter gently "encouraged" me to buy a cell phone holster. I have thanked her numerous times because I haven't lost my phone one time. I keep a notebook with me and index cards nearby. I did miss an orthodonist appointment this morning for Colin. I wrote it down. I just couldn't find the paper.


  1. Thank you, Andrea, for educating us. "By sharing a bit of [your] story," you have saved me money, shortened my journey toward a diagnosis, opened my eyes to how quickly I need to vacate my premises, and given me help and hope for sure.

  2. Andrea, i am amazed at all you are managing and think some short term memory loss and brain fog certainly would be expected w/o the toxic effects!!!!
    I listen to Moody and hear Chris for a short time while I am on my way to drive a school bus. I've been reading your blogs with great interest. My Mom died several yrs ago,(she was 79) after fighting aspergilliosis for several yrs She lived in Miami and her house went thru Hurrican Andrew in 92. We always thought Mom had a mold problem in her home.....she would always get better when she visitied my sister down in the Fl. Keys.
    All that to say, I am so thankful for the time you are taking to spread the info you are becoming aware of so others can benefit. I don't know where you even find the time to do it. And, I am amazed at all the details you have to sift thru to understand it all.
    So, abe encouraged, you are amazing, and I will contnue to pray for you and your family.
    In these last days it seems satan is making an all out attempt to sidetrack the believers and to destroy the witness. You and Chris have been so genuine in your witness to God's amazing grace and strength in spite of these difficult times!!! Thank you with all my heart.

  3. Hi Andrea & Family,
    I just wanted you to know I am reading your blog every day and learning so much. I am with you and praying that healing will take place and I am so thankful you got to the root of what was causing all these illnesses and symptoms with you and your family. I have mold allergies, but I am not sure what kind of mold. I know what is outside affects me and figured if there ever was any mold inside that certainly would affect me too. I get asthma symptoms & sometimes middle ear problems. But I never knew about all these different kinds of mold! And now I'm learning so much about toxic mold. I'm guessing that if mold is inside the house, like yours was, that the symptoms would be constant and do not come and go like outside allergies. I hope that is true. Well, thank you so much for sharing and being a great help to others. We can only hope they will set standards in this country and start preventing illness by treating & remedying causes. Take care & hang in there. I am with you.

  4. Andrea,

    I too have a Mold Journey story much like yours and as a mother of three who feels such pain for the hardships our family has endured since 2001, can relate to what you have been through. Reading your story is so similar and unfolds as mine did mcuh like a puzzle that fits perfectly together in the end, but during the process is extremely frustrating, confusing, and painful. My story began in 2001 when we purchased our dream home. We were a health, happy, energetic young family. Four years later, we were dealing with chronic pain and I had been running a nursing home for my children for two plus years. I feel for you and you are a very BRAVE MOM! I still cannot afford the treatment that Dr. Michael Gray recommends. So I continue to use the internet as a meas to educate myself on how to detox from the mycotoxins. After all these years still, I feel so defeated by what's happened and continue to hit road blocks. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate you sharing your story.

  5. Andrea, my name is Marc Lohse. Thank you so much for all of this. You are an excellent mother. I am 31 and have been sick since '95 and no one knew how to help me until last year. I feel like the majority of my life since high school has been robbed from me. No one even knew what was wrong with me. I am 4353 and am seeing dr shoemaker out in maryland. it has been and still is a tough road. I continue to remind myself that God certainly has a plan even if we all don't understand it. Maybe it's a little bit comforting to know that he created our genetics :) Anyways, continue to press on and know that there is someone right along side you and your family in this journey. And btw, I am from Denver! Thanks again and God bless.
