Home Search

We've owned 2 homes in our 26 years together. The first was a small 1800 square foot home in suburban Chicago. The second our 5500 square foot home in Colorado. In both cases we chose based on location, size, floor plan, and aesthetics. Wall-to-wall carpeting was a bonus. As long as it had a working stove of some sort I was happy. As we've searched for a home this week floor plan and aesthetics are of no consequence. I don't care about the neighborhood or schools. I could care less about views or wall color. Actually the less wall color the better. The less carpeting the better. Electric appliances are now preferred. Furnace and water filters are now important. The use of pesticides has become the first question. The most critical issue: we must smell nothing when we enter. So much has changed in such a short time. The reality of our inflammatory condition has set in and the road to healing has now begun. I'm grateful we reacted so violently to the pesticides in the other home. We stayed 2 days instead of 2 months. After a search that included a 100 mile radius in and around Tucson we have settled on a relatively new home in Vail. It's nothing what I pictured but everything I now know to be healthy for our family. In a few days (if all goes well) we will put our suitcases away for the first time in 2 months.


  1. As a longtime listener of WMBI and fan of both Chris and Andrea, and as one who also suffers many allergies (especially to molds), I was deeply saddened by your plight. May your new home be a haven from the little understood enemies, and may your family find healing and peace as you rest in The Lord. Many prayers for your recoveries and also for your daily needs to be met. Just got my first few pages of Dogwood read...can't wait to continue the journey!

  2. Aww mom, I love you a lot. Even though this is a confusing time, I do know that I WANT to be close to you guys, whether that's what ends up happening or not, because I love you all so so much. I think you and dad are So courageous and your story will span generations and generations. Your faith has been unwavering and you've been uncompromising in your pursuit to follow His plans. If nothing else, I want to follow in your wise footsteps to the ends of the earth...if nothing else :) I love you, your Shans.

  3. Dear Andrea,

    I am so grateful for your blog. I first heard of your journey on your husband's radio show on Moody radio.

    I have suffered for years with mold allergies and systemic candida. The past years have become unbearable at times but for the Grace of God.

    I have received little to no help from mainstream medical doctors. My husband almost left me in my darkest hour because he is tired of the burden. It is only by the Grace of God we are still together. Aside from Jesus, my journey has been a lonely one.

    I felt so blessed to have found another woman in Christ who sincerely understands the monumental challanges of environmental illness.

    Thank you for your blogs! Thank you for sharing all you have learned for those of us who in the present moment cannot afford a doctor who actually has experiece in the matter of mold and fungus!

    I am grateful to know about Dr. Grey and I am hopeful God will make a way for me to see him! Thank you for inspiring hope!

    I am so sorry for the suffering you and your family have gone through! I can't imagine how difficult it must be to deal with all of the diet changes for 11 people! Just getting myself on track is a stuggle!

    My prayers are with you and your family!

    Sincerely, Jennifer Orfely

  4. Isn't it amazing how perspective changes!? A whole new perspective in life...it definitely leads (by God's grace)to setting one's sights on eternity~praise God for that!!! :D
