
I used to watch news stories involving courtrooms and wonder about the plaintiffs. I watched them descend the building stairs surrounded by cameras and eager reporters.

I wondered about the verdict and their emotions and always said a little prayer thanking God it wasn't me.

Yesterday I experienced something that connected me with the people I've watched from a distance. Chris and I had a telephone hearing with a panel of doctors and insurance representatives to plead our case. We have found medical help for our mold exposure outside of our "network." We would like our carrier's support. The difference between us and other "victims" is that no one has lost their life as of yet and no one tried to hurt us. Ever. Even the doctors who suggested psychological evaluation weren't trying to hurt us. They simply didn't know.

Still, recounting our story was painful. Far more painful than I expected. Our goal was to be non-emotional. Present the facts. It went fine until I talked about Reagan and his suffering. I still can't talk about those late nights. And after I finished, there was silence. We were done. We had presented our case in 13 minutes. We were alloted 15.

I thought I would feel different. Relieved. Hopeful. I expected a catharsis.

I felt none of that. Only sadness and sorrow.

Now I understand. It's painful reliving the past. That's what the victims on television alway say. It's not the verdict. It's the pain.

Now I understand why we suffer and go through hard times. It's to connect us with others. Even from a distance.


  1. I loved hearing you and Chris on his radio show today :) You sounded very engaging and happy together. I guess reading about the mold journey has made me think you all were downcast all the time. I'm glad you're not!

    I'm with Chris on the pizza coupon issue, Sorry Andrea :) I'm a coupon person, too :(

  2. "Even the doctors who suggested psychological evaluation weren't trying to hurt us. They simply didn't know."

    I need to keep reminding myself of this simple fact. No one is trying to hurt us, they simply don't know.

    I never knew, until this illness, how painful it was to be truly and completely misunderstood. God has taught me a good thing in this knowing.

    Keep your eyes on Christ. Blessings,

  3. I heard from a man named Marc who suffered for 13 years before finding help. I lost your comment Marc. If you can write again I'd like to use your story.
