Encouragement for the Helpless

Leave it to my husband to bring tears to my eyes twice on a difficult day. The first time was during an argument about him going for treatment. He resists the process. Thankfully, we resolved the conflict quickly. The second set of tears was due to his FABRYGRAM entry he sent out Sunday night that brought tears of comfort. I hope you find the same--whatever mountain you may be climbing.

"I wandered in the Tucson airport a few weeks ago, looking for a quiet place to sit. There was only one spot I could find with lots of empty seats. A woman sat in the corner with her back to me. But when I sat, I realized why she had her back to me. The gurgling and cooing gave it away. I hadn’t noticed the baby blanket over her shoulder. She was nursing. The sound echoed off the concrete wall and into my memory.

The days of Andrea suckling a newborn are gone.

“Could you get me a glass of water?” is a phrase seared into my memory. The soft patting, the escape of air from both ends of the child, the satisfying grunts of an infant. It struck me that I will never again hear those sounds from my own children.


Gone are the days of strollers and carseats and diapers and bottles. Well baby visits. Lost pacifiers. Plastic spoons with cartoon heads. A lot of these things I don’t mind, of course. Who would long to change another diaper? But there was something life-giving, something pure and wonderful about caring for someone who could not care for himself or herself.

We have been helpless as a family for a few months, wandering in the desert, trying to get better, trying to dig our way out of a toxic hole. The lawyers tell me it will be 12-18 months before we have any hope at resolution to our situation with the house. Health-wise, it could be the same amount of time before we see major turns for good.

But we continue to improve and exercise and try.

And people continue to help us. It astounds me. I checked out at Walmart today with nothing but gift cards from generous friends around the country. (The guy behind me wasn’t as grateful as I was because it took a bunch of swipes for those cards to go through. If he only knew.)

God doesn’t mind our crying or gurgling or any other noise we make. He has been patting our backs and comforting us all the way, unconcerned about the length of time it will take to heal. He knows the beginning from the end. He can redeem gone days."


  1. Dear Andrea,
    I first heard your story when Chris and you shared on midday connection. I am a missionary overseas (in Ukraine) and after reading your whole blog, now I understand why people here are so concerned about mold and it is a problem that one can't always control especially living in apartments. I am so grateful that you have shared your story and I am so struck by the sovereignty of God when I hear such stories of suffering when it would have been so very easy for our GREAT God to protect you from it all. He has a GREAT purpose. At the same time, I pray that He would do a miracle and heal one or all of you, but most of all that He would be glorified. Here in Ukraine I don't have the same resources as you do so I can not always apply the suggests but if you could help with one question. If I find mold growing on a wall, what can I do myself to take care of it? For example, we have moved into a brand new apartment and I discoveried some fuzzy gray like mold growing in the corner of an outer wall (the wall is made of concrete). When I found it, I was horrified and immedately used a bleach like cleaner and got rid of it. It has not reappeared since now I am keeping the wall circulating with air, but if we do see it again, what can I do being that there is no one here to call for mold remediation?
    Most of all I wrote to tell you that I am following your story and trusting God with you to bring healing and do great things in your whole family.
    Love in Christ,

  2. Okay, now you made someone else cry. That's okay. Isn't this journey to healing amazing in a million different ways. It sure takes a lot of faith to believe God for the healing He's already promised. Through Christ, it really is done. We are just waiting to see. "Yet a little while......" We are on a journey to healing as well. Don't grow weary in well doing. You're not alone at all.

  3. It's Sue Kappers... I am praying. what else can I say. praise the Lord for Husbands who lift us up when we are down.

  4. Dear Audra,
    Good for you for asking the question! You're exactly right to keep the air circulating. You want to keep it dry as well. You might consider an Austin air purifier also. Hydrogen peroxide and/or a combination of vinegar and baking soda is better than bleach for cleaning mildew and surface-type mold. If you think you have a deeper mold issue you can invest in your own machine to measure the quality of your air. I know of two companies: Environmental Monitoring Systems as well as U.S. Micro Solutions.
    My knowledge is, of course,is limited but I hope these thoughts help.
