Health Reform

It's hard to believe that at one time in the history of the church, people were not permitted to read the Bible for themselves. They relied entirely on the knowledge of others. Many couldn’t read, but even the ones who could had to listen to the words in another language and then have them interpreted.

This eventually changed, but it took years of reform and awakening.

I can't help but draw a parallel with our prevailing public view of medical care.

When Colin was first diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, I had no idea where the pancreas was located in the human body and certainly had no idea of its function. It didn't occur to me to study this information. I simply wanted to know how to take care of my son, and I relied solely on the medical professionals.

As our illnesses progressed over the next year I continued to see doctors as the experts. I was the common layperson in the pew.

But something shifted during this time. Something deep inside. I began to listen to my instincts as a mother. I began to trust those instincts. There was an awakening, and my view of the medical world changed.

I bought an Anatomy and Physiology book. I began to study for myself.

I learned about enzymes and amino acids. I studied the functions of the liver, the pancreas, the salivary glands, the vestibular system, and the parasympathetic nervous system.

I didn't lose my respect for the medical profession. I'll never be able to perform an emergency appendectomy or remove a cancerous tumor. I'm grateful for those who can.

But I can learn. And ask questions.

Thanks to the Internet, many of us are finding empowerment when it comes to our health.

This tells me that health reform isn't going to come from Congress after all.

Perhaps it lies within each one of us.


  1. Amen! Also with the help of the great healer Christ!

  2. so much of what i know i too have learned because of the love I have for my children, out of a deep desperate need to KNOW, what was happening inside of them, a desire to learn HOW to help...
    so much of what I know is because of a passion for the people I love, a real "NEED TO KNOW",
    and it is truly a reformation of my comprehension of healthcare...
    keep sharing...
    I love it!

    It blesses us all!

  3. It's been said we don't remember anything but the information we need to know in order to do something or to survive!
