Clearer Vision

Whether it was eye floaters, nystagmus (involuntary eye movements), or nearsightedness, our vision was impacted at the height of our exposure to toxic mold. Two of our youngest were prescribed eyeglasses during that time period: Reagan (age 11 at the time) and Colin (age 7 at the time). Both complained of blurry vision while trying to read.

Brandon (age 6) also complained of blurry vision. I just didn't have time to take him to the eye doctor. Kaitlyn had so many vision complaints we committed to 6 months of vision therapy.

Ten months after leaving the home, Reagan had a tough time seeing while playing baseball. He was no longer struggling with blurry vision, so we replaced his reading glasses with distance glasses.

Now that we've been detoxing for 17 months, Reagan no longer wears glasses at all. Colin no longer needs glasses.

Just yesterday Megan (22) came back from the eye doctor with a similar report. Megan's vision went downhill soon after moving into our home. "When you get a new driver's license you can let the DMV know that you no longer need glasses to drive," the doctor said.

Even my distance vision improved at my last exam. Evidently this can occur with the aging process, even without detox and diet changes.

Improving our vision has not been our priority. We're so focused on detox and recovery, it's a byproduct of our efforts. For those interested in giving attention to vision, there is a natural vision improvement method called the Bates Method. Highly controversial, the Bates Method teaches various exercises for naturally improving one's eyesight. One of these exercises is called "palming" and is discussed in Dr. Joseph Mercola's article titled "Secrets of Regaining Your Vision Naturally."

We're seeing a little clearer these days. In lots of ways. From connecting the dots of our medical past to seeing the truth about toxic exposure and health. We still lose our way frequently. But I'm grateful for the days when the clouds part and the fog lifts. Today is one of those days.


  1. This is such a concrete example, or proof if you will, that mold can affect our body, and how getting away from the mold combined with detoxing can help to heal the body.

    And a spiritual metaphor about clearer vision as well.

    Thank you again, Andrea!

  2. That is awesome. Just the other day my almost 8 year old was telling me he was having trouble seeing. But since moving and all the chaos our diet hasn't been as good. I wonder if that has played a major factor in his vision has he has never complained before. I need to crack down again.

  3. Another great post Andrea. I'm guessing you guys have been doing these exercises and seeing results? Literally:) I've begun palming and sunning so we'll see if it helps the blurriness. Thanks for the great link. kt

  4. I just love reading your blog. You always have so much good information. Anyway, when we were living in our moldy house I noticed changes in my own vision that at the time were a complete mystery to me since I was unaware of the mold. I would have moments when my vision would become so blurry that I couldn't read anything. I would rub my eyes trying to regain my sight and wonder what was happening to me. It just didn't feel right. Instead of a 'black out' it was more like a 'blur out'. This happened several times while we lived at the house. Now I know that of course it was the mold. I can see clearly now the mold is gone ;)

  5. I'm curious Julie how long it took for your eyes to get better?
