Gut Health

"All diseases begin in the gut." —Hippocrates

"The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything." —Louis Pasteur

The focus of our recovery continues to be the lining of the digestive tract. This necessitates the careful selection and intake of foods due to the complexity of the gut flora. The gut flora is designed to protect and fight against harmful pathogens. When too many pathogens are ingested, like those in a toxic mold exposure, the flora is often damaged. When the "bad gut bugs" outnumber the "good gut bugs," the digestive lining is weakened--which means the whole immune system is weakened, since nearly 70% of the immune system resides in the gut.

Leaky Gut Syndrome often arises as undigested proteins and other undesirable materials "leak" through the compromised gut lining and travel throughout the body. A myriad of symptoms can occur from LGS, such as food allergies, migraines, bloating, constipation, mood swings, and much more.

In an article titled Leaky Gut Syndrome: The Hidden Root Cause to Many Digestive Disorders, Dr. Scott Olson explains:

The gut is made up of millions of cells that allow only these small macronutrient molecules to pass into the blood. Usually, only broken down nutrients such as glucose and amino acids are let into the blood. Larger macronutrients, particularly larger proteins, tend to cause problems when they enter the blood stream. The body thinks that they are foreign invaders, causing the immune system to release white blood cells to attack the invaders. These white blood cells have chemicals within them that, when leaked, induce swelling and inflammation.

The cells of the gut are normally packed tightly together in order to allow only the broken down proteins into the blood. Inflammation causes these tightly packed cells to swell and loosen. Much like block walls that have lost their grout, spaces open between these cells and larger undigested proteins escape into the blood stream. This is leaky gut: undigested proteins and other unwanted material leaking through the intestinal wall directly into the blood.

The gut can become leaky when we eat foods we shouldn’t, are exposed to chemicals, have the wrong kind of bacteria in our guts, or are under stress. Any of these conditions can cause the gut to become inflamed.

As the article states, millions of cells line the digestive tract. Microbiologist Dr. Jeffrey Gordon of the School of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis says our digestive tracts are an entire "other planet." Furthermore, according to Dr. Gordon, "Our bodies carry ten times more microbial cells than human cells, and these microbes collectively contain at least a hundred times the number of genes in the human genome."

According to Gordon's study (featured in this National Geographic article), the good microbes help out by fermenting our food and producing vitamins for us, as well as breaking down toxic chemicals. The breakdown of toxic chemicals occurs through a process called "bioremediation."

This is why proper understanding of environmental medicine and food selection is critical. If we continually breathe in contaminants and ingest chemical-ridden foods, we open the door to serious health issues. The intake of sugar inherently leads to trouble, since fungal pathogens feed on sugar. This is why most anti-fungal diets suggest the reduction or elimination of grains, fruits, and sugars.

If foods are allowed to sit, undigested, in the digestive tract, pathogens are free to multiply. So as we reduce our intake of the "bad guys," we must also increase our intake of "good" yeasts and bacteria. This is where probiotic foods and probiotic supplements become our greatest allies. Sauerkraut, beet kvass, gingered carrots, and a host of other fermented vegetables are produced through an age-old process called lacto-fermentation. The Weston A. Price Foundation has an excellent introductory article here.

There are numerous probiotic supplements. Here are three websites I've found to be helpful:

Custom Probiotics
GI ProHealth
The Finchley Clinic (in the UK)

It makes sense to focus on the gut when trying to heal from a chronic illness. It also makes sense that recovery takes time, is unique to each individual, and often requires a radical change in lifestyle.

Something I'm learning to embrace, one batch of sauerkraut at a time.


  1. Wow, that's interesting stuff. Since it is a syndrome, does that mean that a test (like a colonoscopy or CT scan) woudn't detect it? I always assumed it was leaky on a slightly bigger scale. I have Crohn's Diesase, and was recently diagnosed also with a fatty liver. I need to cut out food toxins and it won't be easy with an already limited diet that gets my CD upset if I have too much veggies at once. I'm a bit overwhelmed, to say the least. I'm always having what I think are inflammatory (auto-immune) issues that turn up nothing, so this LGS is perplexing, given my existing CD.

    I'm so sorry your family has had to endure this path but I want to encourage you because your blog has been a blessing to me and many others. I appreciate that you cite sources and give context to backup what you are saying. Thanks.

  2. Jenny,
    I found this information on testing for leaky gut:

    "The standard test for leaky gut syndrome is the mannitol and lactulose test. Both are water soluble molecules that the body can't use. Mannitol is easily absorbed by people with healthy intestinal linings. Lactulose is a larger molecule and is only slightly absorbed. A person drinks a solution contain both mannitol and lactulose. Urine is collected for six hours and the amount present in urine reflects how much was absorbed by the body. A healthy test shows high levels of mannitol and low levels of lactulose. If high levels of both molecules are found, it indicates a leaky gut condition. If low levels of both molecules are found, it indicatioes general malabsorption of all nutrients."

    We never tested because it's been so evident that we struggle with I am not familiar with it.
    Thanks for the encouragement, Jenny.

  3. Thank you Andrea, Your article came at the right time... It helped me understand what my daughter seems to be going through just this week. You explained it so clearly and given encouragement and suggestions. Most of all.. reminding that it takes time to heal lessens the panic mode.

  4. personally.... I think you should start teaching med school doctors to be on how to take care of their clients.... just sayin'! blessings!! and stay well!!

  5. This is really interesting article that you have posted. Really it should be treated on time so that it does not become a big problem to get it sorted out.
