Erin Brockovich and Toxic Mold

The following 48 Hours segment features consumer advocate Erin Brockovich and her battle against toxic mold. The segment (originally aired in 2008) is 13 minutes long and worth viewing. I found myself tearfully reliving our experience, grateful for the information contained in the piece.

Erin Brockovich continues her role as an activist in the areas of oil spills, product liability, environmental hazards, and toxic mold. The following statement appears on her website:

"Mold has certainly made its way into people's homes as well as the headlines recently. Many people still don't fully understand the health hazards of fungal exposure. The term toxic mold is somewhat misleading as it exudes an idea that certain molds are toxic, when actually certain types of molds produce secondary metabolites that produce toxins. The correct term is mycotoxins. Airborne mycotoxins from mold can definitely destroy one's health. Sometimes, people are unaware that they are breathing mold spores and mycotoxins until they are very sick. Certain people have minor allergic reactions to the non-toxic mold, but once they leave the affected area they most likely recover with few serious side effects. However, if they have been exposed to the dangerous molds such as Stachybotrys or Chaetomium, they could suffer from a myriad of serious symptoms and illnesses such as chronic bronchitis, learning disabilities, mental deficiencies, heart problems, cancer, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple chemical sensitivity, bleeding lungs and much more."

Erin has a webpage devoted to the issue and invites those with stories or information to contact her. Click here to find out more.


  1. What a great post Andrea. Thanks. Strangely, it's encouraging to again see, we are not alone in the "toxic mold" journey. Great quote by Erin too! Maybe she will be used to tear down some of the ignorant barriers that remain concerning mycotoxins and their affect on living beings. kt

  2. My video stopped and wouldn't play any further after getting to Dr. Johannsen's segment on the man with toxic encephalopathy, but how think how I worked, unknowingly, in a basement with a black, flowery mold growth - untested so unknown in nature - for six years, in an office with it on the ceiling and wall for at least a year and a half, and in a fireplace in the same said office for at least eight years...and who KNOWS where else in the same building! And who's paying for the effects of my illness?

  3. Andrea- I am writing this in desperation. It is 5 am and my three kids are asleep as is my snoring husband bless him. I have had weird symptoms for 4 years that no-one could diagnose. Someone had said mold allergy 2 years ago but I had 3 kids 5 and under and we had no more money to keep going to docs. Praise God for you website. I got really sick in Dec and started eliminating everything in my diet and read the mold allergy diet and did it. I got semi-better for about a week but with the move I feel off. Sadly we bought a foreclosure with water damage and have already made the mistake of treating the mold with bleach and fans. I am really sick now. My middle has a rare kidney disease and the youngest isn't growing right and her hair falls out. We left one sick environment brought our stuff and bought another on. Losing this house means financial devastation. We are getting a mold test this week.I am a strong believer and married to a christian but after years of sickness, bills etc. we thought we were seeing an upswing. I would love it if you would pray for our family. I am encouraged by the things you've posted and I am already radically changing my diet. I am wondering if you know of anyone who was able to salvage their house or if in your opinion walking away is the only way. My husband and I will do that especially for our sick kids. I am encouraged by your kids getting better albiet slowly. I am worried my brain stuff will be permanent. Has yours gotten better? I know lots of questions but I am in need of a friend since we don't have a church family here yet and my husband asked me not to talk about to my VA christian friends until we do the test. I am hopeful and devastated at the same time. Thank you for making what was such a devastating thing a blessing to me. In His name, Paige

  4. Andrea, do you know what Erin's update is? What happened to her home, etc? I have been unable to find out so far.

  5. Sarah,
    Not sure. Can't find it either!

  6. Paige,
    I'm so sorry to hear all of this. Not everyone has to leave their home like we did. You are wise to test this home. Can you email me directly at

    I understand all of the feelings you're describing. There is hope, I assure you.


  7. I am so grateful that you posted the video made on Erin Brockovitch's mold is incredibly well done! I have not had TV in several years now, so I missed
    that program. I'm wondering how their health is now, are they still living in that home? Looks like this went back to 2008, and I have not heard anything about this until
    your blog. She could do more for us "moldies" than anyone in the world...but she doesn't take it further, apparently. Sure wish she would.
    Thanks again!

  8. Great post. There are too many people out there who are suffering from mold exposure and don't even realize it. The longer you are exposed to high levels of mold, the more your immune system becomes overwhelmed. Once the immune system is compromised diseases of opportunity find their way into your life. More awareness is needed.

  9. Not everyone will recover on their own after eliminating their toxic mold exposure. I've been out of my work environment for 7 months and am very little improved--completely unable to work with full spectrum of neurological, cognitive, digestive symptoms. Anyone who suspects toxic mold exposure or knows someone affected should familiarize themselves with Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker's website and books. It is a good start to finding the right doctors, getting the right diagnosis, and the right treatment. Educate yourselves and DO NOT rely on the opinions of doctors who are not trained in this specialty. Once you educate yourselves, then educate others--family/friends, doctors, lawyers, politicians, etc.
