Simple Pleasures

We have internet. The last 3 weeks have been the darkest yet. We have made it through. As I reflect on this latest chapter I stand amazed that a connection to the internet and a new phone mean this much. I am grateful to all of you who continue to stand with us.


  1. Yeah, you have the internet, I have missed your updates! Keep us posted do we know how to pray.
    Barbara Fenn

  2. Andrea,
    The most vluable thing I learned from you as my dear neighbor in Chicago on one of our walks around the neighborhood was "keep going-don't stop" were your exact words to me. I had a realy bad day at work and we talked about it. I can see you are living by those words now. Don't give up girl, you will overcome this situation. We are all praying and pulling for your family. Miss you and keep your chin up.
    Love ya,
    Chris Hillmann
