House Hunt

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Finding a new home for our family is requiring far more than we anticipated. Our lease ends August 15th. We have been searching aggressively since May. Our current home has 3 bedrooms. One is used for Chris' office/radio studio. This leaves two bedrooms for 10 of us. This really isn't the problem. The two bathrooms is the problem. Enough said on that.

Thus, we are hoping for more space. It doesn't sound that hard. I don't care about aesthetics. Couldn't care less about floor plan. Don't care about wall color or proximity to schools. We need a safe environment.

It would be best for our family to live outdoors. This is why I've felt grateful for our current home. It's tight but it's better than camping. We have kitchen facilities and our two bathrooms have running water. Hot water.

Still, the search has been disheartening, time consuming, and draining. The phrase that follows our promise on the wall says,"He gently leads those with young." In The Message it says that He leads them "to green pasture." We're hoping to find our green pasture soon.

1 comment :

  1. we are trying to find a house too...and boy it is exhausting! I thought shopping for clothes was hard! ;) But, I can't imagine how it is for you so thanks for putting it in perspective. Praying that you will find just the right fit.
