Our local organic coffee supplier, Adventure Coffee Roasting, recently loaned me a popper to experience firsthand the delight of home roasting.
Here's a step-by-step tutorial:
- Place 4 ounces organic green coffee beans in popcorn popper. It is best to do this outside, as the process necessitates the shedding of delectable-smelling chaff. No cleanup is necessary when you're outdoors.
- Turn on air popper. Watch as the chaff flies into the air. Enjoy the aroma. (If you would like to do this inside, use a plastic hood and keep a bowl underneath the hood for the chaff.)
- Patiently wait for the beans to turn brown. This takes approximately 3 minutes. Watch for desired color. A dark roast can take as long as 6-8 minutes. Stop when the beans are a shade lighter than your goal.
- Allow to cool. Pour into colander, if desired, to remove most of the chaff. Remaining chaff will not affect the quality or flavor.
- Allow the coffee to rest for 6-24 hours. Experienced roasters say the coffee reaches its peak after 24 hours.
- Grind and enjoy!
Don't have a hot air popcorn popper on hand? Check local thrift stores, eBay, and Amazon, as well as big box stores.
To purchase organic fair-trade green coffee, see these sources:
- Higher Grounds Trading Company
- Dean's Beans
- Seven Bridges Cooperative (offers a more detailed tutorial on home roasting)
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